Before Bed

Before Bed :

म Rubbing oil on the soles of the feet before going to sleep at night is beneficial, because it makes the vein of the body strong.

यदि Sleep is very good if the feet are washed with fresh water before going to sleep.

लोग Those who breathe through the stomach are of a peaceful nature and are of long life. Breath should always be taken deep. Deep breath means try to take the breath to the navel. This keeps the navel chakra active. Our digestive system is dependent on the activation of the navel chakra.

► People who have high blood pressure problem, try using it small. Measure and note blood pressure. Then push the breath down 2-4 times towards the navel. Then measure blood pressure. There will definitely be some decrease in blood pressure.

► According to Ayurveda, there are three types of human nature. Vata, Pit, Kapha. Everyone must try to recognize their nature. After recognizing their nature, food, living and medicines should be used accordingly. For example, a person of Pitta nature should not use hot things like garlic etc. at all. For more information read a book called Swasth Bharat.

श्य Must include sprouted grains daily in food. In sprouted grains, nutritional and mineral salts increase in qualitative amounts. Moong is the best among them. Gram, sprout or wet peanuts mixed with a little fenugreek seeds and a pinch of parsley, it is resistant to many diseases and effective treatment.

भी Whenever a person has a disease, try to overcome it by resorting to mild fasting and alternative medicine. Today, a wrong tradition has become in the society as soon as a person has a minor illness, so use it. It should be done in detail. For example if the person's blood

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